Day: Friday, October 21st
Time: 4-5p.m.
Location: CVW Long Lake Public Library
Masks are optional. All are welcomed to attend.
Award winning musician Dan Duggan will present a Hammered Dulcimer Concert featuring traditional and original music for this wonderful instrument.
Dan Duggan, nationally touring performer and teacher is rapidly being acknowledged as one of the finest dulcimer players and composers in the country. As recipient of the prestigious National Hammered Dulcimer Championship, Dan’s accomplishment, though based on technical merit, is even more considerable as he is the first winner to have performed all original compositions.
Dan will discuss the history of the dulcimer both worldwide and here in New York state, especially in the Adirondacks and northern NY. and will also display historical instruments made in NY state in the eighteen hundreds.
This program is presented by TAUNY with funds from the Creative Rebuild NY grant.